Today sees two really significant awareness days for us here at EYES on St Albans – World Mental Health Day and World Sight Day.
Sight and mental health are closely linked. Good sight brings freedom, education, employment and an appreciation of the world around us. Poor, limited or deteriorating sight can bring isolation, frustration and a massive sense of loss.

The theme of World Mental Health Day this year is suicide and suicide prevention – which is why we’re so proud to support The OLLIE Foundation all year round. You can also find more charities that support people with mental health issues on the app (search EYES on St Albans in your app store and then go to EYES on Charities). We list these charities on the app free of charge so that the information is there for you if you need it.

In terms of World Sight Day – they’re looking at eye care and eye health this year. As we wrote in our last blog on eye health, regular eye tests are crucial for maintaining your sight. We know it’s really easy to let making an appointment drop to the bottom of the ‘to do’ list. However, (and you know what we’re going to say here) – early identification of problems makes it so much easier to either treat or help you manage them.
It’s also really important to tell your optometrist (and it’s completely confidential) if you do have mental health issues, especially if you take medication for them – just as with any other medical condition.
So, what we’re saying is we’re here. To help you look after your eyes, to offer frames that make your feel good about wearing your glasses and to offer a friendly, relaxed experience when you come to see us – even the parking is free.
To book an appointment for an eye test please contact us, call 01727 838003 or pop into the shop – at 63 The Quadrant in Marshalswick, St Albans. You can also book an appointment to come and try our EnChroma® glasses for colour blindness the same way.
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