The EYES on ST ALBANS app brings together what we do and what’s going on in St Albans.
Browse EYES on WHAT’s ON – our calendar of events in and around St Albans
Go foodie with EYES on EATING – our guide to pubs, restaurants, cafes and other great food outlets in St Albans and the surrounding villages
Connect with EYES on BUSINESS – our directory of businesses in St Albans
Discover EYES on CHARITIES – all the amazing charities that are based in and around St Albans. Whether you need their help or want to give something back, we’re hoping to make this list as comprehensive as we can.
Take the EnChroma™ test for colour blindness
Order EYES on the MENU – our lightweight backup reading glasses
Be on the App
If you’d like to be on the App, all the details of how to do so are on the App (download it from your store and go to “Be on EYES on”).

All listings for charities are free, as are events listings for any fundraising/school/charity event.
All we ask is that you display the “WE’RE on EYES on” badge (which we’ll send you) on your website and the marketing materials for that event (so the PTA newsletter, leaflets etc).
To list your cafe/pub/restaurant/eateries/take-away or other foodie establishment costs £120 – so just £10 a month. We’ll show where you are, what you offer, when you’re open, contact details and a link to your website/menu. If you specialise in a particular thing (do you have the best gluten free fish & chips in St Albans or the best vegan lunches???) we’ll include that too.
To list your business is £120 a year. The listing will include a summary of what you offer, your logo, contact details and a link to your website
A proportion of the money from the eating out and business listings goes to providing the free listings for the charities and fundraising events. So not only do you get the marketing exposure, you also get to give back to our community
We’re on EYES ON
Everyone who’s on the app will be emailed their “We’re on EYES ON” logo/badge to go on their website/newsletters/event flyers etc. The more people download the app, the wider your reach will be!
Download the App
Just search for EYES on St Albans in the Apple App or Google Play Stores. Or just scan the QR code below and it will take you to the store.

Email us at app@eyesonstalbans.com , contact us or pop into the shop.